The 'Choking Game' is played by teens and tweens...a deadly game of chance. It's not a game parents want their children to play for many of them die.
Little was know about this game before 2005 or at least not noticed by parents and authorities. The teens' peers tell them that it will give them a high and that it's not dangerous. But it is. Since 1995, 82 children from the ages of 6 to 19 have died from the 'Choking Game' as reported by authorities. However, the statistics are now higher. It is estimated approximately 300 teens and tweens have perished from playing this game.
Parents need to become aware of what their children have in their rooms, like a short collar or belt, a loose bedroom door knob, scarves, anything tied to bedroom furniture or doorknobs or found knotted on the floor.
The 'Choking Game' goes by many names: Suffocation Roulette, Black Out, Pass Out, Choking, Fainting, Strangle, Flatline, California High, Wall Toke, Funky Chicken, and Space Monkey. Parents pay attention to bloodshot eyes, marks on the neck, frequent and severe headaches, disorientation after spending time alone as discussed at the following website: MomLogic . Also check out MMWR Weekly , Children's Health , and Articlesbase .
Please be alert and aware of your children and their surroundings.
Christmas on the Ranch
2 weeks ago
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This is a horrible trend. As I wrote to the list, what is wrong in our culture that our children feel the need to get high, with, or in this case, without, drugs? Is it the plethora of "extreme" shows on cable television? A thrill, a risk? Or do they just have too much time and too few friends outside the "netizens" who share these games? Get them outside doing something constructive -- maybe that would help. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but I see a deeper societal problem here. Good post, Gwyn, although frightening and heart-breaking.
Lori Orser
How awful!!!
Thanks for dropping my. Yes, this choking trend is horrible, but not actually new. CSI brought it out in their show to indicate that new technics by teens/tweens are being used.
This is another example of experimentation by our young people. Sad to say, many teens do died because of it.
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